Epilepsy Disordered Treatment
A brain illness called epilepsy is characterized by recurrent seizures. A seizure is typically described as an abrupt shift in behavior brought on by a transient disruption in the electrical activity of the brain. The brain typically continuously produces minute electrical impulses that follow a predictable pattern. Chemical messengers known as neurotransmitters carry these signals along neurons, the network of nerve cells in the brain, and throughout the entire body. Recurrent seizures are a common symptom of epilepsy, which is characterized by an imbalance in the electrical rhythms of the brain. In individuals with seizures, abrupt and synchronized electrical energy bursts that may momentarily alter their awareness, movements, or sensations disturb the regular electrical rhythm. When a person experiences at least two seizures that are not related to another known medical condition, such as alcohol withdrawal or extremely low blood sugar, an epilepsy diagnosis is typically made. The earliest symptoms of a seizure that originate from a particular part of the brain frequently correspond to that part's functions. The left half of the brain governs the right side of the body, while the right half governs the left side. A seizure might start with jerking of the left thumb or hand, for instance, if it originates on the right side of the brain in the region that regulates thumb movement.
For more details please contact us at 9899771750.
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